an ordinary willow unveiled from a vast meadow stood with her shadow, waiting in the afterglow cautious of the surrounding crow & sparrow hidden inside her, a raging bow & arrow a bunny came by, pure and yellow wondering freely with the night glow heedless of the perilous furrow trailing the gleam, there exists, a willow despite passing a hinting scarecrow on the spur of a moment in the meadow they met, feels like an enchanting show a glimpse of spark did foreshadow a sparkle of fireflies transpired in the vast meadow, providing light for the dawning of the bunny and the willow a magical glow gleamed and overgrow igniting light, a moment to borrow a bunny exploring the vast meadow a home he found, a rare willow a bunny pure and yellow a bedazzling goodbye, a beautiful sorrow ~ nhile ~
Showing posts from January, 2023