
Showing posts from September, 2021

Justification of the Critique paper

      Principles of communication contributes in better understanding others, eliminating misunderstandings and enhancing clarity of thinking and communication. It also aims to teach individuals how to interact in a coherent and interpretable manner in order to avoid confusion. It allows community members better comprehend one another.     Respect and authenticity are the foundations of relationship in communication, and trust is essential for a connection to thrive and develop. Nonjudgment also requires a good balance, the willingness to comprehend misconceptions, and a readiness to accept individuals with someone whom he or she may insist. Furthermore, assumptions obstruct efficient communication and might have unintended consequences for all parties involved. As a result, making no assumptions can help with effective communication.                    Improving listening skills is the simplest efficie...

Beyond Words: A blog about communication

COMMUNICATION Based on my own understanding the words that can describe the term communication are CYCLE, TRANSMISSION and INTERACTION. Communication as a CYCLE, t he process of communication is cyclical, because it begins with the transmitter and ends with the originator send in a form of feedback. It is the whole process or behaviors of two or more people to express one another's views and insights. Communication as a TRANSMISSION,  The sender utilizes some form of channel to start transmitting the message (also called a medium). The medium through which the communication is delivered is referred to as the channel. The majority of channels are either oral or written, however as technology advances, visual media are becoming more frequent. The telephone and a variety of textual forms such as documents, memos, and files are common methods. Communication as an INTERACTION, An exchange of views in which both individuals, whether person, robot, or artistic form, are interactive a...